
The Effect of Genre-Based Instruction on Reading Comprehension among Iranian EFL Learners

تعداد99 صفحه در فایل word

Master of Arts

The Effect of Genre-Based Instruction on Reading Comprehension among Iranian EFL Learners


This study tried to explore the influence of teaching reading comprehension utilizing the principles of genre analysis. In conducting the present study, 53 homogenous EFL Students were selected out of the 73 0nes as the subjects of the study and were divided randomly into two groups of experimental and control. Experimental group has composed of 27 language learners with 14 females and 13 males; and the control group included 26 language learners with 13 females and 13 males. Ten reading passages were instructed to the selected subjects during thirty hours—the experimental group using a genre -based instruction and the control group using the traditional approach usual in teaching reading comprehension. The results of the study revealed that those who received a genre-based instruction performed better than those students taught reading based on traditional reading. In terms of gender, the study showed non-significant and trivial differences between the performances of the two genders.



Table of Content


Dedication                                                                                                                           I

Abstract                                                                                                                              II

Acknowledgement                                                                                                              II


Chapter One: Introduction                                                                        2

  • Introduction 3

  • Statement of the Problem 6

  • Purpose and Scope of the Study 6

1.4.      Research Questions                                                                                                7

1.5.      Research Hypotheses                                                                                              7

  • Significance of the Study 8

  • Definitions of the Key Terms 8

  • Limitations and Delimitations of the Study 9

Chapter Two: Review of Literature                                                   10 

2.1. Introduction                                                                                                               11

2.2. Genre: Theoretical Definitions                                                                                  11

2.3. Genre Analysis                                                                                                          14

2.4. Theories on Genre Analysis                                                                                       16

2.5. Reading Comprehension                                                                                           20

2.6. Empirical Studies on Genre Analysis                                                                        30

Chapter Three: Methodology                                                            39

3.1. Overview                                                                                                                   40

3.2.   Participants of the Study                                                                                         40

3.3. Corpus                                                                                                                       40

3.4. Model of Analysis                                                                                                     41

3.5. Procedures                                                                                                                 42

3.6. A sample of Lesson plan for both Traditional and Experimental Groups                 42

Chapter Four: Results & Discussion                                                   47

4.1. Overview                                                                                                                   48

4.2. Data analysis methods                                                                                               49

     4.2.1. One-sample Kolmogorov-Simonov test                                                            49

      4.2.2. Gain score                                                                                                         49

  1. 3. Research questions 49

4.4. Discussion                                                                                                                  55

Chapter Five: Conclusions and recommendations                             59

5.1. Overview                                                                                                                   60

5.2. Summary                                                                                                                    60

5.3. Conclusion                                                                                                                 61

5.4. Pedagogical Implications                                                                                           61

5.5. Suggestions for Further Research                                                                              62

References                                                                                                  63

Appendices                                                                                         75


Appendix A. TOEFL Proficiency Test                                                                        76

Appendix B. reading passages                                                                                      82  


List of Tables and Figures

Table 4.1. One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test for pretest in control and experimental group                                                                                             50

Table 4.2. Mean pretest of reading comprehension scores for samples in control and experimental group                                                                                     51

Table 4.3. Mean sample test for posttest score in control and experimental group


Table 4.4 Independent sample test for posttest scores for samples in control and experimental group                                                                                           52

Table 4.5 Mean posttest of males and females in experimental group              53

Table 4.6.  Independent sample test for posttest scores among males and females in experimental group                                                                                        54

Figure 4.1 Mean sample test for posttest scores for samples in control and experimental group                                                                                            53

Figure 4.2.Mean posttest of males and females in experimental group            55


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