
Subverted Genders and Troubled Relationships in an Attempt for Power RA Butlerian Reading of Albee’s Two Plays

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M.A. Thesis in English Language and Literature

Subverted Genders and Troubled Relationships in an Attempt for


RA Butlerian Reading of Albee’s Two Plays


Edward Albee’ s dramatic career was born in the context of postwar America and the counterculture of the 1950s and 60s to confront the contemporary  politics  and  question  the  long-held  social   values. Likewise, Judith Butler’ s work first appeared as a critique of identity within the social and political movements of contemporary America. Albee’ s early plays such as The Zoo Story (1959) and Who’ s Afraid of Virginia Woolf (1962) voiced a critique of the existing social and political structure by bringing up a variety of issues such as gender, sexuality, family, class, power, identity, and communication. Butler’ s work, embodying a post-structuralist account of identity, subjectivity, gender and sexuality, forms the backbone of the present study which aims to explore gender trouble and power struggle in the two selected plays of Albee. Albee’ s characters, struggling within the boundaries of gender and the limits of socio-political regulations, lend themselves to a Butlerian approach eyeing upon gender and the relations of power.

Table of Contents

Chapter One: Introduction

1.1 Review of Literature

1.2 The Significance of the Study

1.3 The Purpose of the Study

1.4 Methodology

1.5 Organization of the Study

Chapter Two: Judith Butler on Gender

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Gender and Performativity

2.3 Melancholia

2.4 Drag

2.5 Subjection, Subjectivation (Assujetissement), and Power

2.6 Subversion

2.7 The Question of Antigone

Chapter Three: Gender Trouble in Who’s Afraid of Virginia


3.1 Introduction

3.2 Gender, Subverted Gender Roles, and Gender Performativity

3.3 Melancholia

3.4 Parody and Drag

3.5 Subjection and Power

Chapter Four: Power Struggle in The Zoo Story

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Heteronormativity and Gender Intelligibility

4.3 Melancholia, Subjectivity and Abjectivity

4.4 Power Struggle

4.5 Normative Violence

Chapter Five: Conclusion


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