
Communicative-based Evaluation of “Prospect 1” English Textbook for First Grade of Iranian Junior High Schools: A Triangulation Metho

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English Language Department

Communicative-based Evaluation of “Prospect 1” English Textbook for First Grade of Iranian Junior High Schools: A Triangulation Method

The current thesis project has employed a triangulation method to evaluate the newly-developed English Textbook of the first-grade of Junior High School titled Prospect 1, published in 2013, in a communicative-based manner. To achieve so, a 64-itemed questionnaire consists of twelve sections was distributed among one hundred twenty English teachers in Kerman city who had taught the textbook for its first year. The sections covered the main factors for a thorough internal and external evaluation of the textbook by the participants who were of different age ranges, teaching experience, and gender.  In addition to general evaluation of the textbook, and the roles played by the variables of gender, teaching experience, and age, the teachers’ attitude towards the book’s efficiency in building the required competency within the learners was observed, since 19 items of the questionnaire were compatible with Bachman’s (1990) model of language competence. The final stage of the project is the researcher’s evaluation of the general aims and communicative course book, the methodology, and the content through open-ended responses to Cunningsworth’s (1995) checklists. The results exhibited a positive attitude of teachers towards the book which was in some extent corresponding to the researcher’s evaluation; however, the book’s shortcomings in some areas were spotted to be complimented with additional materials and communicative teaching techniques.

Keywords: Evaluation, textbook, teachers, methodology, content, CLT


Table of Content

Dedication. i

Acknowledgement ii

Abstract iii

List of Figures. viii

List of Tables. ix

Acronyms and Abbreviations. xii

1    Chapter 1 Introduction. ii

1.1    Introduction. 1

1.2    Overview.. 1

1.3    Statement of the problem.. 2

1.4    Objectives of the Study. 2

1.5    Significance of the Study. 3

1.6    Theoretical Framework. 4

1.7    Research Questions. 6

1.8    Users of the Study. 6

1.9    Definition of key terms. 7

2    Chapter 2 Review of literature. 14

2.1    Introduction. 15

2.2    Textbook Evaluations Studies. 15

3    Chapter 3 Methodology. 28

3.1    Introduction. 29

3.2    Methodology. 29

3.3    Participants. 29

3.4    Research Instruments. 30

3.5    General Description of the Book. 32

3.6    Data Collection Procedure. 32

3.7    Data analysis procedure. 32

4    Chapter4 Results. 35

4.1    Introduction. 36

4.2    Teachers’ Attitude towards the Book. 36

4.3    Effects of Gender, Age, and Teaching Experience. 38

4.3.1    Gender 38

4.3.2    Teaching Experience. 42

4.3.3    Age. 44

4.4    Developing Communicative Competence. 46

4.4.1    Sociolinguistic Competence: 47

4.4.2    Illocutionary Competence. 51

4.4.3    Grammatical Competence. 52

4.4.4    Textual Competence. 55

5    Chapter 5 Discussion and Conclusion. 57

5.1    Introduction. 58

5.2    Discussion. 58

5.2.1    General Aims and Communicative Coursebook. 61

5.2.2    Methodology. 62

5.2.3    Language Content 63

5.3    Conclusion. 66

5.4    Pedagogical Implications and Suggestions. 67

References. 69

Appendix A.. 73

Appendix B.. 79

Appendix C.. 81

Appendix D.. 87

Appendix E. 92

List of Figures

Figure 1: Components of Communicative Language Ability in communicative Language Use (Bachman, 1990, p.85) 93

Figure 2: Gender Distribution of the Participants. 93

Figure 3: Age Distribution of Participants. 94

Figure 4: Teaching Experience Distribution of the Participants. 95




List of Tables

Table ‎3‑1: Gender distribution of the teachers. 30

Table ‎3‑2: Frequency of Teachers’ Age Range and Years of Experience. 30

Table ‎4‑1: General Evaluation of the book by the teachers. 36

Table ‎4‑2: Gender and General Evaluation. 38

Table ‎4‑3: Gender and Topic Content 39

Table ‎4‑4: Gender and the Affected Sections of the Questionnaire. 40

Table ‎4‑5: Topic content and gender 40

Table ‎4‑6: Language Content and Gender 41

Table ‎4‑7: Language Skills and Gender 41

Table ‎4‑8: Correlation of General Evaluation and Participants’ Teaching Experience  42

Table ‎4‑9: Significant Correlation of Teaching Experiences and Questionnaire Items  43

Table ‎4‑10: Teaching Experience and Unaffected Sections of the Questionnaire. 44

Table ‎4‑11: Age and General Evaluation. 44

Table ‎4‑12: Significant correlation of Age with Sections of the Questionnaire. 45

Table ‎4‑13 Age and Unaffected Sections of the Questionnaire. 46

Table ‎4‑14: Sociolinguistic Competence-Sensitivity to Register, Variety, Naturalness, and Cultural references. 47

Table ‎4‑15: Sociolinguistic Competence- Sensitivity to Cultural References. 47

Table ‎4‑16: Sociolinguistic Competence- Sensitivity to Naturalness and Cultural References. 48

Table ‎4‑17: Sociolinguistic Competence Sensitivity Cultural References. 48

Table ‎4‑18: Sociolinguistic Competence- Sensitivity to Register, Variety, and Naturalness  49

Table ‎4‑19: Sociolinguistic Competence-Sensitivity to Register, variety, and cultural references. 49

Table ‎4‑20: Sociolinguistic Competence- Sensitivity to Register 50

Table ‎4‑21: Sociolinguistic Competence- Sensitivity to Register, Naturalness, and Cultural References. 50

Table ‎4‑22: Illocutionary Competence-Ideational and Manipulative functions. 51

Table ‎4‑23: Illocutionary Competence-Heuristic Functions. 52

Table ‎4‑24: Illocutionary Competence-Ideational, Manipulative, and Heuristic Functions  52

Table ‎4‑25: Grammatical competence- Practicing Syntax. 53

Table ‎4‑26: Grammatical Competence- Vocabulary Building. 53

Table ‎4‑27: Grammatical Competence- Developing Phonological Competency. 54

Table ‎4‑28: Grammatical Competence: Appropriate Grading for Development of Grammatical Competence. 54

Table ‎4‑29: Grammatical Competence- Vocabulary, Syntax, and Phonology Practice  55

Table ‎4‑30: Textual Competence-Listening Material 55

Table ‎4‑31: Textual Competence-Reading Material 56

Table ‎4‑32: Textual Competence-writing material 56

Table A 1: Cronbach’s alpha values of questionnaire categories 73

Table A 2: Book’s Topics and Content 74

Table A 3: Photo Dictionary’s content 75

Table A 4: Detailed Frequency of Responses. 76

Table A 5: Bachman’s Model of Language Competence and corresponding items in the questionnaire. 78


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