
Investigating into Vocabulary Retention of Bilingual & Monolingual High School Students in Shiraz

تعداد105صفحه در فایل word

»M.A« Thesis on Teaching English as a foreign Language (TEFL)


Investigating into Vocabulary Retention of Bilingual & Monolingual High School Students in Shiraz



A language is composed of rules and lexical structures that every person acquires from the birth or learns in variety conditions, the more words one knows the easier he/she uses the language. We know the importance of vocabulary learning in first language and second language. Vocabulary knowledge is an essential element of language learning.  We can usually evaluate that language knowledge according to its vocabulary.This study investigated vocabulary retention of monolingual and bilingual high school students in Shiraz. In this study, the participants were 95 students who were bilingual and monolingual; we had a pre-test which composed of 30 questions; after about 3 weeks which we presented the treatment, we had post-test. Then, delayed posttest was given to all participants after one months. The results indicated that there is a significant difference between monolingual and bilingual students in learning vocabulary in posttest and vocabulary retention in delayed posttest. In fact, bilingual students had a better performance in both vocabulary learning and vocabulary retention.



List of Tables and Figures. IX

Abstract 1


CHAPTER ONE: Introduction

  1. Introduction. 3

1.0   Introduction. 3

1.1   Overview.. 3

1.2   Background of the Study. 6

1.3   Statement of Problem.. 7

1.4 Significance of Study. 10

1.5 Research Questions. 11

1.6 Research Hypothesis. 11

1.7 Definition of Terms. 12

1.8 Limitation and delimitations of the Study. 12


  1. Review of Related Literature. 15

2.1Overview.. 15

2.2 Vocabulary Definition. 16

2.3 Semantic Theories. 19

2.4 Vocabulary Teaching. 20

2.4.1 Indirect or Incidental Learning. 22

2.4.2. Direct Instruction. 23

2.4.3 Dictionary. 24

2.4.4 Context Clues. 26

2.4.5 Word Parts. 28

2.5 Vocabulary and Language Skills. 31

2.6 Comprehension. 31

2.7 What Is Bilingualism and Who Is Bilingual?. 32

2.7.1 Classification of Bilingualism/Multilingualism.. 37 Compound vs. Coordinate Bilingualism.. 38 Early vs. Late Bilingualism.. 41 Simultaneous vs. Sequential Bilingualism.. 42 Subtractive vs.  Additive Bilingualism.. 44 Passive vs. Active Bilingualism.. 45 Balanced vs. Dominant Bilingualism.. 45



  1. Methodology. 48

3.0 Overview.. 48

3.1Participants. 48

3.2Instruments. 49

3.2.1 Nelson Proficiency test 49

3.2.2. Vocabulary test as pre-test, post-test and delayed post-test 49

3.3 Procedure. 50

3.4 Treatment 51



  1. Results and Discussion. 55

4.0 Overview.. 55

4.1 Statistical methods. 56

4.1.1Univariate Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). 56

4.1.2 Post Hoc test 56

4.2 Research hypothesis testing. 57

4.3Discussion. 64


  1. Conclusion & Recommendation. 68

5.0 Overview.. 68

5.1 Conclusion. 68

5.2 Recommendations. 72

5.3 Suggestion for Further Research. 74










List of Tables and Figures

Table 4.1 One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test for vocabulary pre-test in monolingual, bilingual and control group. 58

Table 4.2 Descriptive Statistics for pre-test in monolingual, bilingual and control bilingual group  59

Table 4.3Results of ANOVA for mean pre-test scores of monolingual, bilingual and control bilingual group. 59

Table 4.4Descriptive Statistics for post-test in monolingual, bilingual and control group  60

Table 4.5Results of ANOVA for post-test in monolingual, bilingual and control group  60

Table 4.6Multiple comparisons of monolingual, bilingual and control monolingual group  61

Table 4.7Post Hoc Scheffe Test 61

Table 4.8Descriptive Statistics for delayed post-test in monolingual, bilingual and control group  62

Table 4.9Results of ANOVA for delayed post-test in monolingual, bilingual and control group  63

Table 4.10Multiple comparisons of monolingual, bilingual and control monolingual group  63

Table 4.11Post Hoc Scheffe Test 64

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