
The Impact of Ideological Power on Changing the Nature of Original Message in the Translation Process of Political Texts; A CDA Based Case Study of Iran’s Nuclear Program

تعداد98 صفحه در فایل word

Master of Arts in Translation Studies

The Impact of Ideological Power on Changing the Nature of

Original Message in the Translation Process of Political Texts;

A CDA Based Case Study of Iran’s Nuclear Program


The process of translation has been the locus of cultural and social struggles in which the ideas and relations dominant over the societies play direct and indirect roles in the process. The linguistic processes are under the influence of extra-linguistic discoursal factors behind these processes. Therefore, the process of translation is no exception due to its linguistic and extra-linguistic nature. These influences become doubly important when the shared texts between cultures have qualified more sensitivity. The present interpretive-qualitative research aims to investigate the issue of reasons for occurrence of changes in the translation process based on the ideological and political stance of translators in the political texts using theories of ‘critical discourse analysis’ of Fairclough and ‘translation and power’ of Tymoczko. Fairclough investigates the ideological issues in (political) discourse whereas Tymoczko studies the political and power-related engagement of the translator in the process of translation. Incorporation of Fairclough and Tymoczko’s theories can easily lead to the investigation of the ideological power position of the translator. Data collection and analysis were accomplished using 15 political text samples taken from online news agencies related to the ‘Iran’s Nuclear Program’. Based on the findings, the transfer of the ideological power was seen through the strategies of ‘substitution, omissions, and addition’ in the translation process. The results of the study imply that there was a significant relationship between the translation of political texts and ideologies of target culture. In this regard, power relations, ideology and political discourse dominating the cultures play a crucial role.

Keywords: Translation, Power, Ideological Power, Critical Discourse Analysis, Political Discourse.


Acknowledgments. I

Abstract IV

Contents. V

List of Tables and Figures. VIII

Abbreviations. IX

Chapter 1: Introduction. 1

1.1. Overview.. 2

1.2. Problem Statement 3

1.3. Objectives of the Study. 6

1.4. Research Questions. 6

1.5. Significance of the Study. 6

1.6. Definition of Key Terms. 7

1.7. Limitations and Delimitations. 8

Chapter 2: Review of the Related Literature. 9

2.1. Ideology. 10

2.1.1. Ideology and Translation. 12

2.2. Power 16

2.2.1. Foucault’s View on Power 20

2.2.2. Power and Language. 23

2.2.3. Translation and Power 25

2.3. Political Discourse. 27

2.3.1. Language and Politics. 27

2.3.2. Notion of Political Discourse. 28

2.3.3. Translation Studies and Politics. 32

2.3.4. Political Discourse Analysis (PDA) 33

2.4. Critical Discourse Analysis. 34

2.4.1. Norman Fairclough’s CDA.. 37 Description. 38 Interpretation. 40 Explanation. 41

2.4.2. Critical Discourse Analysis and Translation Studies. 42

Chapter 3: Methodology. 44

3.1. Research Method and Approaches. 45

3.2. Corpus and Sampling. 45

3.3. Theoretical Framework. 46

3.4. Restatement of Research Questions. 47

3.5. Instrumentation. 47

3.6. Data Collection and Data Analysis Procedures. 48

3.7. Design. 48

Chapter 4: Data Analysis, Results and Discussions. 49

4.1. Overview.. 50

4.2. Data Analysis. 51

4.3. Summary of Results and Discussions. 77

Chapter 5: Conclusion and Implications. 84

5.1. Background. 85

5.2. Conclusion. 85

5.3. Answering the Research Question. 87

5.4. Implications of the Research. 88

5.5. Suggestions for the Further Research. 89

Bibliography. 90

چکیده.. 100

List of Tables and Figures


Table 1. Corpus of the study. 46

Table 2. Stages of analyzing. 47

Table 3. Ideological Power-Related Manipulations in Translating Political Text in terms of Substitution strategy. 79

Table 4. Ideological Power-Related Manipulations in Translating Political Text in terms of Omission strategy. 81

Table 5. Ideological Power-Related Manipulations in Translating Political Text in terms of Addition strategy. 82


Figure 1. Dimensions of discourse and critical discourse analysis. 38

Figure 2. The process of interpretation. 40

Figure 3. Strategies Used in Translation Process of Political Texts. 83

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